Monday, March 14, 2011

Late Night Purchase - Kurt Halsey Books

When I'm up late I always end up shopping online. What a surprise. This time, however, what I ended up buying is something I've been waiting eons to do. My favourite artist of all time, since the ninth grade (that's about 7 years now), is Kurt Halsey. He manages to capture so much emotion in his drawings, and I've been waiting for the day that I could buy something of his online. Today is the day. I don't know why it's taken me so long.
I've just purchased three of his books. The first of which is a collection of 65 of his paintings, soft cover, 8.5" x 8.5".

I then discovered he has an Etsy Shop, where he was selling 2 other books for $5 a piece (the spines are a little banged up, which is totally fine by me. I just need to have his work in my home). The two books are 6" x  6" with 36 pages of reproduced artwork. 

 I am overcome with joy! The weeks it takes to ship are going to be long and grueling. Hopefully those perfume oils arrive soon to keep me distracted for a little while in the meantime.

P.S. I must admit this blog is coming along nicely. I've been fiddling with my header and my background, and I think I've finally nailed the look I'm going for. For now.

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